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TRG Cyclamin

Foundry services, drying services & more
In safe hands

Being both a technology and service-oriented company, TRG supports its industrial customers by offering modern processes to recover valuable substances. Over the years, it has become one of the leading companies in Europe, especially in the field of amine reclamation. TRG has exemplary performance and safety levels and expects its operations to be run to the highest quality, health & safety and environmental standards. Its QHSE management system is regularly audited by independent external specialists and documented with the certificates.

Our work focuses entirely on our customers and their needs: our goal is to develop sustainable solutions to their problems using advanced, environmentally friendly systems.

Our core business: recovering amines
Using our expertise to help our customers

We always think and act sustainably and this is at the very core of our production activities. Guaranteeing our staff and facilities remain safe is just as important as ensuring our processes deliver high quality products and protect the environment. Which is why our operations have been accredited and validated in line with all relevant standards. What’s more, our portfolio of services focuses on providing you with both economic and environmental benefits.

We offer:

  • Processes to recover amines that are used by foundries as a catalyst in the PU Cold Box process so they can be reused
  • Treatment of high quality mixtures, chemicals and catalysts and contract drying work in our drying services division
  • Development and production of new environmentally friendly polymer modifiers in our TINGO business unit

Amine recovery from the very start
TRG’s story – over 20 years of success

Ever since our company was founded in Schriesheim/Baden in 1994, we have dedicated ourselves to optimising recycling and recovery processes – paying attention to detail and always looking for innovations.

Having successfully developed the technological basis for regenerating aliphatic amines from foundries, the company moved to its current location in Schönebeck in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt in 1996. Once our chemical facility was up and running and production had begun using our own patented amine recycling process, we soon became one of the leading companies in Europe.

At the same time, we further developed our most important technology – processing tough and viscous substances – so that our TINGO business unit could also use it to produce and formulate viscous resin/oil mixtures.

Being a technologically and environmentally oriented company, we believe it is our task to create sustainable benefits for our customers. Which is why we also help you, for example, in the area of contract drying work, drying out solids, separating solid/liquid mixtures as well as regenerating catalysts and the like. We have continuously expanded our drying services division since it was set up in 2009 and have been performing specialist treatment and drying tasks in our drying facilities (approved in acc. with Federal Immission Control Act [BImSchG]) since 2012.

TRG’s commitment to quality
Recycled amines – just as good as the original material

Thanks to our patented amine recovery process, the amines recycled by our foundry services division meet the same high product specifications and quality standards that are expected of the synthetic amines produced by well-known chemicals manufacturers.

All our products and services are subject to the certified processes and procedures set out in our quality and environmental management system. As a TRG customer you can rest assured that you will always receive the same consistent high levels of quality – thanks to our highly qualified staff, our own state-of-the-art laboratory and the ongoing analyses it carries out of our production activities.

  • Corporate sustainability at TRG
    Sustainability as a pillar of our actions

    • The principle of sustainability has always been of great importance to us. Among other things, sustainable amine recovery reflects this conviction in the relevance of ecologically advanced processes. Our participation as a founding member of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) platform Unternehmensnetzwerk Klimaschutz (Corporate Network for Climate Protection) also reflects our willingness and desire to make an active contribution to climate protection. In the annual environmental statement, we also inform all interested parties about our activities and our commitment in the environmental field. Furthermore, the certifications according to EMAS regulation and DIN EN ISO 14001 underline our sustainable actions. You can find the certificates, the environmental statement and much more in our online library.

TRG Cyclamin GmbH
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  • Online library

    All our certificates and relevant product and safety data sheets can be found in our library.